Work, Home, and Recreation: Y3-W4

Mid-October 2016

My second round of Youth Development Sessions! The topic was “Your Changing Body”. The session started with a hygiene relay, and then students learned all about the body changes that occur during puberty, though some interactive drawing activities.

Mid-October 2017

My trip home, after one year in the Philippines, was different than expected. It seemed too long and too short at the same time. There were too many people I wanted to see and things I wanted to do so I spent the two weeks running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to do it all. I was overwhelmed with reverse-culture shock the entire time, but I did manage to squeeze in some fun things:

I gave presentations at my old high school and for the congregation of my church


Saw some foliage

Hung out with animals


And family.

The whole experience was surreal, but I was glad that I got to be around for my Great-Grandmother’s 90th birthday.

October 7-13, 2018

This week was BISU’s annual SCUAA (State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association) Athletic Meet , and this year it was hosted by my campus. Candijay was invaded by hundreds of extra students who came from the other five BISU campuses to compete in competitions from soccer to swimming, and boxing to basketball. There was even a beauty pageant to decide which two students would become Mister and Miss BISU. Our campus spent the month leading up to the event sprucing up the campus to make everything as nice as possible – the SCUAA rotates between the five campuses, so it’s a bit of an opportunity to show off. Housing was limited, so some students decided to sleep out on the green.

That’s all for now. See you next week!

Author: determinedwandererblog

Peace Corps Volunteer serving in the Philippines

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